Resort to protest

November 2021
How tragic when honest people have to resort to activism for our climate.

And get arrested as unlawful citizens when the true wrongdoers are our politicians who have completely ignored the science for years. Good citizens are being forced more and more into activism to save old trees getting chopped down, wild ducks shot, etc.
Because there doesn’t appear to be a fragment of common decency in most politicians.
Val Maslen

Action justified

March 2021
On the Extinction Rebellion website, it states: “We have a moral duty to rebel, whatever our politics.
Our lives have meaning when we follow our conscience and fight to protect what we love.
We ask others who feel the same way to join our peaceful rebellion.”
We are experiencing mass species extinction, including that of ourselves, causing the next generation’s future to be bleak.
Requests for action, by protesting and calling out members of the government, are completely justifiable.
Diane Cornelius

 Facts back vegans

April 2019

I believe publicity around animal activists staging protests in Melbourne and on farms and places of slaughter has positively promoted veganism, negative perceptions of wrongful protester actions notwithstanding. 
Irrespective of their tactics, the facts are that science backs veganism as the most effective action people can take to reduce environmental damage and address climate change. 
Methane emissions from grazing livestock are more harmful than carbon dioxide emissions from all the world’s transport combined, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Native habitat loss and deforestation caused by animal agriculture is a serious ecological problem. 
Australia as an affluent nation could become a world leader in sustainable plant agriculture, giving our environment a fighting chance and arresting dangerous climate change. 
Simone Hunter