International Women's Day

March 2018
Every year March 8th is International Women's Day which has a human rights theme. A call for gender parity which began in Europe over a century ago. It belongs to all groups highlighting women's social, economic, political and cultural achievements, and is not an organisation, country or group specific.

As a call for gender parity, I look forward to seeing it extended to all females including non-humans, the gentle dairy cows, sows and layer hens that are exploited, in our Western diet, for their female reproductive organs, and over worked to produce dairy, meat and eggs for our unsustainable, unnecessary, temporary taste bud satisfaction.

Diane Cornelius

International Women’s Day

March 2018

Given that March 8 is International Women’s Day, what better time for females everywhere to take a stand against the cruel and heartless abuse of their “sisters”.

The sisters I’m referring to are the hundreds of thousands of pitiful females condemned to lives of unimaginable suffering inside our piggeries, dairy farms and chicken farms.

Would any of us like to be imprisoned for life and deprived of all semblance of a natural life simply because of our ability to give birth? Would we like to endure the agony of giving birth each year, only to have our beloved babies torn from our side and killed just so our milk can be stolen for profit?

These females don’t deserve to be treated in this cruel and heartless manner any more than we do because animal products are totally unnecessary in our diet. This is not about need – it’s about greed.

The most important first step we can make in helping to end this ruthless abuse of our fellow females is to stop contributing to the industries that so cruelly exploit them. 

Jenny Moxham

Look after the other sisters this International Womens Day

March 2018

Given Thursday was International Women’s Day, what better time for females everywhere to take a stand against the cruel and heartless abuse of their “sisters”.

The sisters I’m referring to are the hundreds of thousands of pitiful females condemned to lives of unimaginable suffering inside Australian piggeries, dairy farms and chicken farms. Would any of us like to be imprisoned for life? Or deprived of all semblance of a natural life simply because of our ability to give birth?

Would we like to endure the agony of giving birth each year, only to have our beloved babies torn from our side and killed just so our milk can be stolen for profit?

These females don’t deserve to be treated in this cruel and heartless manner any more than we do because animal products are totally unnecessary in our diet. This is not about need – it’s about greed.

The most important first step we can make in helping to end this ruthless abuse of our fellow females is to stop contributing to these animal-exploiting industries with our consumer dollars.

Jenny Moxham

Endangered Species Day

May 2018

Given that today is Endangered Species Day, Colin Roger's letter pointing out that Josh Frydenberg and the government has cut 60 full-time staff currently engaged in saving our wildlife, and their budget by 25% is extremely disappointing.

Our reputation for lack of care of our native animals and species loss, has been condemned around the world. We are destroying their natural habitat and shooting our iconic kangaroos in the largest slaughter of native land animals in the world.

Diane Cornelius,