Culling Bats

February 2022

Why are there calls for animals to be culled when they appear in number, in this instance bats. Bats are native throughout Australia and under the National Parks and Wildlife Act all species are protected as they play an important role in our ecosystems. They are important for pollinating trees and shrubs, dispersing seeds and pest control. Changing availability of food sources driven by climate change and loss of habitat over the years mean bats, like many animals, have come further south to make their homes.

Diane Cornelius

Grower fund

February 2022
Paul Buxton seems opposed to non-native animals in South Australia.
This would include sheep, cattle, pigs, chickens, horses, cats, dogs, and, of course, non- Indigenous humans.
When I arrived from NSW 40 years ago, there was no large-scale netting of orchards.
Instead, it was scare guns. Or worse, real shotguns. Happily, nets are now widespread.
But wildlife still has to eat and we have destroyed many of their traditional foods.
The major problem isn’t so much the total amount of damage for growers, but the concentration. If all growers contributed to a central fund, which could be distributed on the basis of losses, that would be more equitable. Ultimately, these costs would flow through to us consumers.
There is a price to living with nature, even bats.
Does anybody want a barren, concrete wasteland?

Geoff Russell

Smart bats

February 2022
Rosalie Green’s letter “Fruit devastation” was a great contrast to Geoff Russell’s “Cost of bat care”
Geoff is a well-known rescuer and carer. Bats are a highly intelligent keystone species.
Many plants and trees rely on them to spread seed.
A protected species nationwide, they know nothing of state boundaries, Rosalie.
Habitat loss, increased temperatures, bushfires and massive land clearing forced them to move south. Their natural food of eucalypt, banksia and gumtree blossoms are in short supply so they seek other food choices. Experts know they are never aggressive and their bad reputation is built around myths and exaggerated vampire stories.
Phil Cornelius

Cost of bat care

February 2022
Who said caring for wildlife had to be free? During the killer heatwaves of 2019-20, South Australians gave generously to help both wildlife and humans. We all get it.

The joys of living with wildlife aren’t free. And we have a duty of care, given the devastating impact we’ve had on their habitat. Sure, we know there are people who object to bird or bat poo on lawns (free fertiliser) or cars.

But these people are a minority. The rest of us live with animals, take them to vets when they are sick, and go the extra mile to keep them healthy and happy.

All power to SA Power Networks for doing the right thing and upgrading their equipment to reduce the horrific injuries that occur to our furry friends when they come into contact with power lines (“Bats out of hell” ). They get it.

Geoff Russell

Protect bats

April 2021

Paul Buxton’s letter “Bats don’t belong,” was misleading
Bats, or flying foxes, are a protected species and play an important ecological role in the pollination of native flowers and also the dispersal of natural forest seeds for trees that humans have callously cut down.
The Federal Government needs to restore Australia’s poor species-extinction reputation by protecting and valuing unique wildlife.
Any unauthorised attempt to disturb or kill flying foxes is illegal. Our expected increasingly hot summers cause dehydration and will decimate populations, as baby bats die as they fall from their mothers and are unable to get back.
So Paul, sadly, climate change will see their demise, and that of many others.
Diane Cornelius

Corella plan

October 2019

I refer to the article "Corella plan hatched," this 'problem' was caused by land clearing and urban sprawl without thinking of or addressing habitat loss from the beginning, now recreating habitat will take decades, but it is the only solution. How the words "humane and destruction methods" can be used in one sentence is an oxymoron.

By branding species pests, pressure is put on the government to allow a cull, and as with all culls, other birds of the same species move in to fill the void. Culls do not work. Corellas form lifelong bonds, culls cause most to suffer shocking injuries and die slowly with their partners at their sides. Any animal or bird that appears to be in the "wrong" place, in the "wrong" numbers, is always there because of human actions. Odd clusters of wildlife are nature's call for help.

As we humans alter and destroy habitat, wildlife moves on. Yet there remains only so many islands of habitat left, that when wildlife cluster in numbers into the last bastions of suitable habitat, they become a local extinction risk. We must adapt known corella appropriate areas and learn to live and let live.

Diane Cornelius

Corellas damage

October 2019

So “ corellas have caused thousands of dollars worth of damage to natural and urban environments…for over a decade?' 

What about the billions of dollars worth of damage to urban and natural environments, including bird and animal habitat, caused by completely unsustainable numbers of humans on our finite planet?

Bearing that in mind, who do you think should be subjected to “sterilisation, contraception and humane destruction?"

In my view, it appears that Mother Nature is already working on the latter solutions, illustrated by plummeting human fertility rates and increasing extreme weather events? 

Alex Hodges 

Birds grieve too 

June 2019
Peter Goers’ article “The inevitable loss that’s left a hole in my heart,” was extremely compassionate. 
His description of the little corella he watched sitting on a branch next to its dead mate for days highlighted how non-humans grieve and experience loss, too. 
I thought of all the dislocated little corella’s in suburbia that have been shot because they were considered pests and how many would fly away, leaving their dead lifelong companion behind. 
Peter also referred to the “worst grief” he had ever known was for his dog, sharing: “The love of a pet is pure and uncomplicated” . 
Many of your readers would totally agree with you, Peter. 
Diane Cornelius

 No Killing

March 2019

Thanks to the Mt Barker Council for organising the recent public discussion about the Corella’s.

It was encouraging to meet people who want to live kindly with Corella’s and to share ideas.

Killing is no answer and thank goodness the Mt Barker Council recognises this.

 Alice Shore

Corella 'scout' flocks

April 2018

How heartbreaking to read in the Courier, that little corella 'scout' flocks will be in the firing line next October. The long term approach must be considered as these birds are utilising resources we provide; they like the open habitat, food and water, in agricultural and urban landscapes.

The solution, to be created over time, is to decrease open areas where birds are not welcome, and instead of lawn, grow many more native shrubs, which are more water efficient. Corellas don't feel safe in bushland. They like single stands of trees where they feel safe, as they can see further.

So more multiple native tree planting, with the focus away from controlling the birds, on to landscape management with the help of groups such as Greening Australia, Landscape Care, Trees for Life, arborists and other community groups. Even the creation of a 'sacrificial' sight to entice them to that specific area, as a refuge for the birds.

Diane Cornelius

Lorikeets an easily recognised species

April 2018

Irrespective of what lorikeets eat, they are a protected and an easily recognised species and should never be part of a 'cull' as took place on Phillip Costa's property, in the Advertiser, Feb 7th, "Prison risk for grower in bird cull." Native lorikeets eat nectar from native flowers, soft fruit, berries and sap from eucalypts and wattles. 

The Uni SA report confirmed that "...numbers (of corellas and galahs) had grown as land was cleared for farming and housing." As native animals or birds cluster in numbers into the last bastions of suitable habitat, they become a local extinction risk.

Any that appear to be in the "wrong" place, in the "wrong" numbers, are always there because of human actions. Like galahs and corellas other flocks move in after birds are slaughtered, so this criminal act was inexcusable and unjustifiable.

Diane Cornelius