Cruel Puppy Farms

March 2018

The beautiful photo of Jason with his golden retriever friend, Brock, shows how strong the animal and human bond can be.

Dogs help detect cancers in their carers, give the elderly companionship and aid memories, assist the blind and hearing impaired, and as in this case help children gain confidence to be able to lead more fulfilling lives.

Dogs, like children, need nurturing from birth to be the best they can be. Sadly not all dogs are given the opportunity as so many are bred in cruel puppy farms, where their poor mothers have no way of teaching them natural puppy behaviours.

So many end up rejected, in overcrowded rescue shelters. 

Phil Cornelius

Cruel puppy farms

March 2018

The only reason puppy farms proliferate is because people love to 'own' pets and sadly often look for them on line or in pet shops, where they are mostly sourced from puppy farms. If we refrain from impulse buying, the 'farms' would be out of business and would have to close. 

Dogs and puppies are not merchandise to be transported or bartered for on the internet. The only solution is to seek to be a guardian for beautiful animals lolling in shelters, facing death, unless they are rehomed. We will be amply rewarded. 

Fay Mathews