Ducks and Cats  

September 2023. 

In response to Arthur Kalyvas (Letters, 22/6), Jeremy Madison (Letters, 20/6) was correct when he said that if all the time, money and effort wasted on trying to force microchipping and confinement of cats had been spent on saving our native waterbirds from being massacred by hunters, we would have saved multi-millions of these defenceless creatures.  

He also referred to the proof that millions of ducks had been killed and wounded in duck hunting seasons – not just in one open season.  

The deplorable slaughter of native ducks has been continuing for far too long.  

It should never have been permitted in the first place. 

And while our state government is forcing cat supporters to confine cats for killing wildlife, we have these dreadful massacres of our native waterbirds, promoted by the politicians who collect blood money for the hunting licences. 

Lisa Roberts   

Shooting our living, beautiful wildlife should be a crime. 

July 2023

Waterbirds are safe now from hunters since open season 2023 has completed its ghastly massacre of dead and wounded, hopefully, South Australia’s final season. 

Kangaroos and wallabies across Australia are shot all year by commercial and non-commercial shooters.  Independent research separate from DEW aerial surveys in our state says the commercial industry is not sustainable or viable given low population numbers in many killing zones. 

Red kangaroos, western greys, eastern greys, tammar wallabies and euro populations are too low to continue cruel exploitation. 

Thanks to the efforts of macropod activists and conservationists, some sportswear companies have banned kangaroo skin for football boots in favour of animal-free synthetic materials. 

There is no justification for harming and killing animal life when humane alternatives for human use and consumption are readily available on the market. 

Simone Hunter 


June 2023

Jeremy Madison referred to the proof that millions of ducks had been killed and wounded in duck hunting seasons – not just in one open season. 

The deplorable slaughter of native ducks has been continuing for far too long. 

It should never have been permitted in the first place.

And while our state government is forcing cat supporters to confine cats for killing wildlife, we have these dreadful massacres of our native waterbirds, promoted by the politicians who collect blood money for the hunting licences.

Lisa Roberts 

Family values

July 2022
It was wonderful that a caring person ensured that the mother duck and her babies made safe passage across roads in the CBD.
Wouldn’t it also be wonderful if all our native ducks could be assured safety, and that our new state government would keep shooters out of our wetlands where they are most at risk?
Janine Clipstone

Wildlife season

January 2022
It is with great distress to so many animal lovers that our SA Minister for the Environment and Water, David Speirs, has announced another duck and quail shooting season for 2022.
A very small minority of shooters have been catered to again but a great number of our beautiful wildlife will again suffer shocking injury and death.
Whatever has happened to compassion?
Diane Cornelius

Birds of a feather

March 2021

There was a heartwarming photograph of migratory birds about to head north for the Arctic summer for the story “It’s been tops Adelaide, but we’re out of here."
How fortunate for these long-distance flyers to follow the sun. Compare this to the unfortunate native ducks that stay for the winter only to be massacred in the annual South Australian shooting season, starting today. This does not make for a pretty picture.
Eric Phillips

Shooting ducks

February 2021

At least quail have been left off the list of poor birds to be cruelly massacred in the coming duck shooting season. Shame on the Marshall government. When is our Premier going to show some maturity and courage to stop this barbaric activity. Noone needs to shoot ducks these days to feed their family.

Alice Shore

Duck carnage

May 2021
Who is John Peek kidding, likening himself to First Nations people who rely on hunting to sustain themselves?
Duck hunters in our day and age have no need whatsoever to dress up in camouflage gear to indulge their passion for shooting wildlife.
We are talking about well-off white males, who have an abundance of food at their disposal , unlike traditional hunters .
It is also an illusion that duck shooters are ethical. Duck hunting with shotguns inevitably wounds many birds. This fact is borne out by research and observation of any shooting event.
An ethical person does not indulge in an activity that wounds so many animals.
Most South Australians are opposed to recreational duck shooting, and it will come to an end, as it has in Western Australia , NSW and Queensland.
Dr Suzanne Pope

Duck hunting

April 2020

Many South Australians will be appalled and grieved that duck-hunting season has not been cancelled along with all other non-essential travel and activities during the coronavirus epidemic. The community at large is opposed to duck hunting as a result of campaigns showing its cruelty.

So why do State Environment Minister David Spiers and Premier Steven Mashall continue to cater for the few who derive gratuitous enjoyment from harming and killing our vulnerable wildlife?The whole of Earth’s ecology, and many wild animal populations, are under threat from climate change and human destruction.

My grandchildren have deeper sensibilities and care for nature more than our Government 


Birds drying up

November 2019
According to recent scientific studies, there has been a huge reduction in the numbers of waterbird populations across Australia.
Drought conditions are widespread and long-term studies across the past three decades by Professor Richard Kingsford have shown a drastic decline.
Reduced available water means many species will not breed, further diminishing numbers. Surely now is the right time to put an end to duck shooting in order to safeguard our native waterbirds.
Janine Clipstone

Rescue a duck

October 2019
This week is National Bird Week. It is an opportunity to discuss how to care for birds, such as ducklings, found injured or orphaned.
First and foremost look for their parents or other siblings.
If mum or dad is still around, help guide them all to the nearest natural waterway. If they are no longer there, collect the tiny orphans.
Give them a towel to snuggle into and a wheat bag or a warm soft-drink bottle to stop hypothermia, which can be fatal. Ducklings can jump high so put them in a safe box with a lid.
Do not attempt to feed or water them.
Contact Fauna Rescue for advice about carers in your area on 8289 0896.
Diane Cornelius

Rare duck shot 

March 2019

South Australian Conservation Minister David Speirs has announced the duck and quail shooting season for 2019. 
Although shooters are expected to be able to identify protected endangered species, this is a contentious issue. 
At Loch Luna Game Reserve near Kingston SE, a shooter killed a rare protected blue-winged shoveler and was fined $600. 
The species is protected across the country for a reason. Wildlife authorities state their conservation status is due to their habitat degradation. 
Allowing open season on ducks is despicable because thousands are maimed and die unnecessarily for the macabre pleasure of a few. 

 Fay Mathews

Duck season

December 2018
What a disappointment to caring people. 
The duck shooting season is coming again. Shame on the Liberal Government. Not so liberal with compassion. 
Alice Shore

Open season for Duck Hunting 2019

December 2018
The announcement by SA Minister for the Environment and Water, David Speirs, has announced a 2019 Duck and Quail Hunting Open Season, from March 16th until June 30th, supporting less than 1% of the population.

I am bitterly disappointed as we can expect more horror stories, such as the activists placing 800 dead birds, including 296 protected species, outside the Victorian Parliament in 2017. Widespread non-compliance with the SA laws and shooters as young as 14years, involved in the carnage is teaching them that their 'fun' is more important than lives.

An appalling life lesson, that often leads to adult violence that we are trying so hard to prevent. In the 21st century, how can this barbaric, archaic cruelty to innocent birds be permitted?

Diane Cornelius

Don’t duck this issue

December 2018

Such a heart-warming story of the rescue of baby ducks from a drain (“Pair don’t duck the job).  

At least these little ones have a good chance of a brighter future than the thousands of our native ducks who are shot at and killed as our State Government continues to declare permitted duck shooting every year.

I hope that everyone who is moved by this story can also be inspired to contact the government and voice your concern at the approval of wanton destruction of our wildlife.

 Janine Clipstone

Duck shooting concerns

June 2018

On behalf of residents concerned with duck deaths I, have requested more duck signs, informing people what they can/ cannot feed the local ducks, to be placed near the main lake in Mawson Lakes.

It’s important that people follow the signage as to look after our wildlife and environment.

In addition to current council signage, an additional sign will be installed in line on the retaining wall near the Mawson Lakes Boat Deck Cafe outdoor eating area, to further strengthen the message.

An important aspect of the current signs is to use words as well as pictorial messages to assist with education of our multicultural society. Please look out for the additional signage, and follow the signage provided.

Cr Beau Brug, City of Salisbury


February 2018

With a state decision looming in March. It is both amazing and disappointing that the current State Government is allowing another season of duck shooting. Most people abhor this violent activity.

Alice Shore

Duck shooting season 2018

Feb 2018

Our state government has announced yet another Duck Shooting season will go ahead from Feb 17th till June 26th. The majority of voters are apposed to the annual slaughter. According to environment minister, Ian Hunter, the amusement of a small number of shooters prevails. 

WA, NSW, Qld compassionately banned it years ago. Innocent native waterbirds will be in the line of fire and many ducklings will perish without their mothers. Perpetrated on private land, these birds have no protection, even if they are endangered species. Shot guns will spray dozens of pellets to kill and maim without exception.

Diane Cornelius